Double Page Radio Guide with Transgression Feature

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Before I began working on my double page radio guide, I thought that it would be a good idea to build a template before I started adding the text so I knew what was going to go where and to ensure I was happy with the colors and layout of the page. This was a wise idea because if I had added all my listings and feature straight away and then decided I did not like the layout, I would have had to re-design the whole thing.

I also Decided it would be a better Idea to design my listings in two separate documents and then join them together at the end, this would give me more space and would allow me to easily change the green headers on each page, using the pre-made template. 

Below is my final double page radio listing, Including my feature on Transgression on Page 14, I used my Transgression poster as the image for the feature as I thought "If people had already seen the poster, seeing it again in a radio listings guide might draw there attention."

I have also sticked to the same color scheme between the two pages, I have used pink on the titles on both pages and a black and green table scheme. This makes my listing easier to understand and easier to read. I have also blocked each station into different tables as that is how it appears in real radio listing guides. 

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